lying about lasik at meps

Right now, between your profile information and this post, you're what we like to call a "tool bag". Lying will. No personally identifying information (PII). That's just the way it happens. The main difference between them is that with LASIK, a corneal flap is created and replaced, and with LASEK, the top layer of the cornea is loosened, moved, and reattached. Unless you know it's a legitimate issue that impairs your physical and/or mental ability to carry out your duties, don't say a thing. Quite a few of the guys in my squadron had a screw lose. So you want to start a career founded on integrity by lying? For information regarding Navy enlisted ratings, see [Twisky's Rating Information Guide] ( They said "No problem, we'll work around it." Option 1: Being truthful and working a waiver that is doable. It was not a mistake for being honest at MEPS, it was a mistake for being dishonest on the paperwork. Yes, you need to be caught in the lie, but that isn't as difficult as you might think. Im in the same boat, the waiver is an easy one as long as you have a doctors note saying youre fine to be off medication, and being successful for 1-3 years off the medication. I know a guy who lied about lasik because he didn't want to wait 6 months and nobody at meps found out. Just get off the meds asap, and keep your shit together for however long your recruiter says you need to. The most popular bodybuilding message boards! She went to the SGTs and the Chaplin professing that she lied at MEPs. I was still in high school, wrecked my car and tore up my hand a few weeks later, was medically discharged :/. Lying on your SF-86 is an aspect of personal conduct, and deliberately falsifying or omitting information prevents investigators from getting the full picture of who you are and how you have conducted yourself thus far. Am I in danger like my friend said? So I left his office and my recruiter took me to up to the hotel. It allows MEPS to see your entire Electronic Health Record (EHR). if the issue will not comprise your ability to serve in your unit and MOS, keep your mouth shut.. What about me? That sent me down a long road of having to get a waiver for something that had no current medical basis and was utter medical fraud. They don't understand how a broken leg or asthma when they were a kid can come back, they don't understand how mental issues are severely exacerbated under stress-- because they think their phone breaking is stress, and they dealt with that just fine. The military is used to this, and they really don't care down the road. why worry about it if it becomes a problem deal with it then. This includes lying by omission (leaving information out) and lying by commission (purposefully misleading). Good luck to you. Finally, he was incorrectly interpreting the questions from his recruiter and MEPS to what he believed his own history was. Lying at MEPS, HIPAA and security clearances. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. AF gives thumbs-up to pilots who had LASIK surgery - News - Stripes, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. If MEPS already okayed my medical documents, can they go back and try to get more info? Disclose EVERYTHING. I am perfectly health for Army service and will be telling hte MEPS doctors that *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. Last I knew, which granted was probably close to a decade ago, it was strictly forbiddenonly PRK was allowed. Applicants often need further evaluation or counseling before they can live the rigorous and stressful military lifestyle. (Navy). LASIK and LASEK are forms of corrective refractive eye surgeries, and both reshape corneas permanently. Downside, potentially get caught, hit with fraudulent enlistment, permanently disqualified. May 6, 2020. (yes pretty much threw him and his boss underneath the bus). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If people can lie about weed I dont see any moral dilemma about you lying about ADHD. Make it impossible to lie? Most major airlines are in negotiations at this time, and many are contentious. 2. Do people go to jail for lying at MEPS? Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. Breaking subreddit rules may result in a ban from r/newtothenavy and r/navy. PERIOD. Because the military does not. 1. Bit of stretch that anybody would have any insight on this subject, but the only thing stopping me from getting accepted for MEPS is my LASIK documentation. I genuinely had not considered that the way I'm acting could be considered morally suspect, or aggravating to the recruiter. !, Military Life and Issues, 8 replies Lying scumbag Johnson on MSNBC lying-no challenge from host, Elections, 31 replies I called the head recruiting office in my district and he said the same thing (trust but verify), that letters of rec are no longer considered important to packages. I know a guy who lied about lasik because he didn't want to wait 6 months and nobody at meps found out. The recruiter will come up with the necessary "details" of what happened and will move on to the next recruit. My recruiter went the other direction, really stressed "Make sure you disclose EVERYTHING". I lied at MEPs about multiple things, I don't think it has affected my ability to be a soldier. And if you don't know what to do, you have no business applying to the military. Then to delete your comments, simply click on your username on Reddit, go to the comments tab, scroll down as far as possible (hint: use RES), and hit the new OVERWRITE button at the top. According to evidence presented at his trial, the Jacksonville military veteran was designated in July 2000 by the Department of Veterans Affairs as 100 percent disabled for bilateral blindness. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I had lasik about 6 months ago and the recruiter originally told me that all I would need is a letter filled out by the doctor. During the MEPS process, recruits may be tempted to lie about past events. So if you do lie and something goes wrong at buds, they do have the right to dig through your medical history and they will probably find out about the surgery and lasik. Penalties for False Enlistment As stated on the Army enlistment contract you sign, lying at MEPS regarding medical or mental health history is a terrible idea with serious implications. Should I start applying scar reducing cream to make it less noticeable? You need to provide all documents not just a cover letter or info sheet. A magnifying glass. By logging into your account, you agree to our. ; and he asked my friend if he had ever smoked pot. I would say lying at meps is a low risk high reward type of deal. I know I have to be able to function without medication and I can, but have not been consistently been of the medication simply because of the existence of standardized tests should I lie to my recruiter and say that while I have such a prescription I have been off it for atleast the minimum time period states or should I be honest because in reality it doesnt take a long time to get off a medication completely atleast for ADHD medications which are stimulants and what they dont know wont hurt them because my ADHD does not really effect me much at all anymore. Instead, she had abysmal chances for waiver approval because she never got the additional examination needed for a waiver (plus lying isn't helpful to a case), so she was separated despite the recommendation of her MTI. My recruiter sent a 10 page report from the doctor along with the 'Refractive Eye Surgery Checklist' paper my recruiter gave me. As long as you werent taking the pills within 90 days it wont pop up so just dont talk about them. Forgetting the medical side of this for a moment You must log in or register to reply here. He said the tests they do would not notice the lasik scar it's only if you tell them you had lasik that they do more in depth tests if there's any issues. See TheBeneGesseritWitch's guide on Paths to become an Officer. The rules here have not changed, but the enforcement will now result in a 30 day ban from APC for violations. Keratinous is NOT trifling; it is the major cause for corneal transplant in the US-a very expensive medical issue. They do that at the School of Infantry. One of the worst things in the world is getting a fraudulent enlistment discharge after making it through 2 months of boot. Now I've been referred to behavioral health for depression. Seriously folks, stop with the medical determinations. (January 6, 2021, subversive for attending the rally - not me, but a friend). Second, you state that the ORs are pushing you to lie. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Some typical things that people lie about at MEPS include: Medical History She joined the army and just before graduating AIT she decided the Army wasn't for her (I told her not to do it, but did she listen? The cousin survived, and revealed she was deep in a gambling debt. Went to MEPS the next morning and everything was normal until medical debriefing. Or just give up and wait for a couple of years? My ex, who was batshit crazy, probably Bi-polar and was on meds most of her teen life lied about it ALL at MEPs. I was at SOI-West last summer. And more people are going to lie now that everyone is getting diagnosed with ADHD because they're not interested in school (and ADHD is a disqualifier). Yet I come on this forum and nearly every single hopeful has 4 LORs from all sorts of military personnel and powerful individuals. After boot camp is MCT where all Marines go regardless of MOS. Its in your best interest to get through MEPS. Own this and you may be surprised, if nothing else you will have evolved as a man. For questions like "Have you ever had mental health counseling?" When I went to MEPs, like most people, I had something to lie about. Option 1: Being truthful and working a waiver that is doable. I think the chief issue is your pattern of distrust..and confidence in superiors. The lesson is that we need to make it impossible for people to lie. I got LASIK a few months ago, I know the minimum time from surgery to MEPs has to be at least 6 months. lie at MEPS? they'll find out if you need a Top Secret security clearance or if the issue comes up. I have changed a few details to maintain anonymity, however the basics of the stories are very real and did happen. Messages. Though would documentation from a psychologist count as documentation from a doctor bc I dont know how familiar doctor at a hospital would be with something related to a different field of medicine. The wrist has handled push ups every other day since I was cleared to get back to it and my eyes are perfect, but I'll know for sure at 6 months. Accidentally or on purpose are applicable. View Profile View Forum Posts View Blog Entries View Articles View Gallery Uploads Marine Friend . I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Station commander looked at my medical paperwork and said word-for-word: " You stick to the script. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. SSG Sean Donahue - Though your verbiage is way bolder than mine (my post on this issue is above) I fully agree with you!!!! For candidates lurking here, seeing how the post might apply to their own application, whether for SA or ROTC or OCS: If you have to ask should I Iie, then you already know the answer. I swear I've met more dudes getting chaptered in the infantry for mental problems (like a few guys are mentally insane) than I ever imagined. Do you really think your little writeup is going to convince anyone dead set on lying? Lying at MEPS is punishable by a $10,000 fine and 5 years in prison. I have been 100% honest with my paperwork. Major unions have lost court cases and in one instance suffered severe financial damage in the process. This isn't the place, and you aren't the expert. I think the individual is still at the MEPS stage of enlistment, and if I have understood him correctly, he is awaiting a medical waiver of sorts. You will not be able to live the Army values and lead Soldiers in the future. Long story short, I broke my nose in December and had surgery to fix the break and take care of some sinus problems. He hadn't told them he had lasik. john danaher instructional videos MEPS threaten to put these kids in fucking prison if they lie, and they lie anyway. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It's sometimes better to keep your trap shut and deal with possible consequences later. So its been about 2 weeks now and have been too scared to talk to him. Copyright 1996-2023 AR15.COM LLC. I played my "sax" a lot in basic. If you struggle from any of the conditions mentioned below, it is a good idea to speak with a local U.S. Military recruiter. Nice guy and not pushy. Personally, go find another doctor that is ex-military that can weed through the BS. What I love is everyone parrots RECRUITERS ALWAYS LIE. Your Visit to MEPS All enlisted recruits are evaluated at MEPS Your recruiter helps prepare you for MEPS I wasn't aware of the 3 months check. Talked to a bunch of people about it and asked why does it say "no" if clearly should have been "yes". He was only talking to a counselor because his cousin needed help and he wanted to support her as best he could. The medics at BMT requested and reviewed her civilian medical records to possibly determine the cause and any history of the condition. Has "just asking for a friend" EVER worked, even if true? Or should I be honest with my recruiter and if I cant get a waiver, lie at MEPS. The largest military subreddit on reddit. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. After seeing the counselor for about 3 months, he was diagnosed with Dysthymia and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Downside, you might take a bit longer to get the green light to process and might also have to get documentation from your doctor that you don't need your meds anymore. What should I do if MEPS continues to request medical records that don't exist? Cookie Notice Online posts, including anonymous posts and posts made here on APC, have been used in lawsuits against unions. I have to go to a cardiologist 3 weeks from now to say if it's a no go or not . It is irrelevant whether the union itself has anything to do with the action. Though my friend told me his exam consisted of a puff eye test, exam for glaucoma screening. 1. Option 2: Lie. You're assuming her recruiter didn't know With the rise of electronic medical records it'll become extremely hard to lie for meps. My cousin was in line for a navigator slot when he joined the Marines. Also, if that user name is actually your name it's a sign that you might not really be very good at this subterfuge thing. Below are abstractions of a true stories. Overall, I have to say that I am troubled by the way you appear to be perceiving and interacting with the recruiters. The young man did see another counselor in the same clinic, who identified several other stressors in his life, including moving away from home to begin college, worries about the cost of college, and a strong fear of public speaking. It may be at MEPS, it may be later in your career. KUDOS! My gramma always told me I had to be able to look at myself in the mirror, and know that if I couldn't-- I wouldn't sleep well at night. Dont lie. I got both of these surgeries in order to be a seal, and would fucking hate if the reason I can't get in are the very surgeries I got in order to qualify for training. My knees were pretty well shot after 4 years active 11B. This comment has been overwritten by this open source script to protect this user's privacy. Your insistence on snapping back or being defensive only adds evidence to a immaturity that will not serve the military. Handle this the right way, as you should all things. This is for prior service and new applicants. Unfortunately, she needed to go to sick call several times for persistent coughing. For both, it's to ensure that only qualified candidates enlist. One guy kept getting ahold of his prrsonal items somehow and got caught playing a saxophone in the barracks. MEPS, short for Military Entrance Processing, rolled out a new system yesterday called MHS Genesis. I'm guessing you're done. I wouldn't recommend it (even ignoring the important integrity aspects of your question. What's the deal? It happened to be depression and medication for it. If you are denied entry to the military, it is very possibly the best thing for both you and the government. Lost the navigator slot and was made a C130 mechanic. If your eyes are otherwise healthy, the services will usually waive up to 5 diopters of cylinder (astigmatism). The doctor who found it said it not a big deal and they will let me in . I was completely honest and I served honorably for 8 years. Sounds about like what I figured. It is against the APC Forum Rules to advocate any labor action which is not authorized by the RLA/NMB. What is the biggest lie you have ever told or been told, The following errors occurred with your submission. from USMCboot. I just finished MEPS after having LASIK.I had to provide all medical documentation from the surgery (pre-op, post-op information, etc.) Alright, you've got me interested. Maybe mental health evaluations should be more thorough, the guys with physical problems that the Army didn't know about got found out because they were being physically pushed but the mental nutjobsthey didn't get found out til they got to their unit. Pretend now that either of these people had completed BMT without their prior Mental Health history ever evaluated. A slight delay in schedule will not change your end game. Because of his failure to disclose his medical history at MEPS and it's discovery while he was on Medical Hold, he was administratively discharged from the Air Force without completing BMT for Fraudulent Enlistment. Recruits who pass their physical and have no prior history may be accepted because the military does not routinely pull medical information. I lied at meps . Ive had the doctor write two letters and both have not been good enough. Unless someone wants to send the mods proof of their M.D., and dig into medical history, you have no business declaring whether or not anyone's medical condition is non-serious, important, real, or anything else. So we met a few days later and met his shadow that will be taking his place and filled out all the medical paperwork. This applies to ANY wildcat actions, including slowdown, work-to-rules, withdrawal of enthusiasm (WOE), sickouts, etc. A young man decided to join the Air Force and contacted a Recruiter. If I were you I would lie and say it's from a camping trip or something. For instance another friend went to meps and when he was doing the eye portion he was wearing contacts and the guy checking him didn't even notice. First, psychiatrists, psychologists, and sometimes doctors might not directly tell their patients their actual diagnoses because of the stigma and fear surrounding Mental Health. I knew she couldn't hack it but she joined anyways). This video I react to a video that JTsuits made where a person was kicked out of navy Bootcamp due to them being medically unfit. I even believed that my OR would appreciate my persistence in trying to get more info while he is on leave this week. Downside, potentially get caught, hit with fraudulent enlistment, permanently disqualified. Do not lie, falsify, or hide information. I had the active prescription but wasnt taking them. Am I? However, you do sign a paper that allows the navy to look through your medical history if something bad happens during training. I think the lesson here is not to tell people to disclose everything, becausethey won't. A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to your first command. Please don't sabotage your own union's efforts on your behalf. Maybe from 2001-2007 or so she could. For every one of these little vignettes there is an outstanding Soldier, Sailor, Airperson or Marine that said "No" when asked, and is out there doing outstanding shit. The doctor who found it said it not a big deal and they will let me in . Learning has occurred - give it time to sink in. You may need further evaluation or counseling before you can live a rigorous military lifestyle. After a few more weeks, the doctors determined he did not actually have EIA, but was experiencing panic attacks and anxiety which subconsciously manifested as physical symptoms (a Psychosomatic Disorder). My friend says I might be in danger for being honest. So do you think the cost is worth the benefit? Should I lie and say the scar is from an accident like jumping over a fence that needed stitches? 1) I have been told by my Officer Recruiter that I do NOT need any Letters of Recommendation for a package. Anyone with any experience or advice? You are using an out of date browser. What should I do. uuugh, it was hot. If you lie about it at MEPS, and get Lying at MEPS, HIPAA and security clearances. I went through Air Force BMT in the lste 70's . Discomfort after surgery is minimal, and vision recovery usually takes place in 1 to 2 days. The paper requests numbers from the pre-surgery, 90 days after pre-surgery, and a month after that. How do recruiters get medical records to MEPS for a med read? So I'm trying to go into USMC and I have been talking with this recruiter for a few months now. You were torn and want to be honest. Recruiter told me to lie . Texted him asking if he got the paperwork and he said he did (at this point I knew a commander came in and talk to the two and now I know he is pissed). Then I met his boss; Sub-station commander. 4,250. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. Don't worry, you'll be fine, I had no issues. Delayed my ROTC scholarship for a semester, biggest pain in the ass. After about 2 months on the medication, he discovered that the side-effects of the medicine were worse than his symptoms and stopped taking it. 48.3k Members 151 Online Created Sep 13, 2012 Join Top posts december 6th 2015 Top posts of december, 2015 Top posts 2015 Fraudulent Enlistment. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. First, you didn't believe your OR so you called his boss who said the same thing, and then you come here looking for validation of the opposite advice. Yes. Know what makes you a poor candidate. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Questions about joining the Marines? I was honest at MEPS. It seems like the most important mission of the army right now its safety and risk management, and with that in mind, it doesn't seem even remotely worth the risk. Come visit our wiki over in r/Navy. With his counselor, they decided he should try medication (Sertraline/Zoloft) for control of his symptoms. How do you think they would perform in a deployment, or at a remote assignment like Turkey or Greenland, or if they married and their future spouse later divorced them? I've done the 1 month check and will do the 6, 3 months is coming up so I'll have to get that on the books. Lying at MEPS about medical or mental health history is a really bad idea with serious consequences, as stated on the Army enlistment contract you sign. For instance another friend went to meps and when he was doing the eye portion he was wearing contacts and the guy checking him didn't even notice. Is your condition a liability to yourself or others? I don't want to waste the time of past professors and employers if it doesn't matter. What will you do at PI or San Diego when the withdrawal symptoms hit? They don't pull up your records unless you need a clearance or unless it comes up. I feel like this is a test so see if I won't bother to accrue some letters regardless and I'm not sure what to do. I have to go to a cardiologist 3 weeks from now to say if its a no go or not . He runs like 6 miles a day on it perfectly capable. Lasik and Meps processing Currently trying to fill out a packet for OCS, but my recruiter informed me that meps declined my medical history. Thank you for the quick replies. In my experience meps isn't that deep of a medical check and it's fairly disorganized. If you are denied entry to the military, it is very possibly the best thing for both you and the government. Always good advice. It is irrelevant whether the union itself has anything to do with the action. So I handed all of my medical and education records that he said to not worry about to the recruiter. So what are the lessons from these stories? HELP!!! Integrity is what you do or how you act when no one is watching. Doctors said I had asthma growing up, my recruiter said don't mention it, he was probably jumping to conclusions. Can You Fix a Lie on Your SF-86 Questionnaire? MEPS' job is the same as the recruiter's job. If it had been correctly disclosed, he likely would have required a waiver and additional counseling before joining the Air Force. ; and he asked my friend if he had ever smoked pot jumping conclusions. Pushing you to lie for MEPS January 6, 2021, subversive for attending rally! Ban from r/newtothenavy and r/navy speak with a local U.S. military recruiter 2 days a screw lose I. 'Ll find out if you are denied entry to the military 1 to 2 days snapping back being... Recruiter says you need to provide you with a local U.S. military recruiter the condition it a... In my squadron had a screw lose for attending the rally - not me but! His boss underneath the bus ) the counselor for about 3 months, he was diagnosed with Dysthymia and Anxiety. And was made a C130 mechanic what about me are n't the place, and this post, you to! My Officer recruiter that I am perfectly health for Army service and be! 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lying about lasik at meps