warlock bard multiclass guide

2 Levels of Warlock gets you Invocations and two short-rest spell slots, as well as a number of good spells like Hellish Rebuke, Armor of Agathys, and Hex. Okay, so I was wrong, the first goblin muttered bitterly. Sure you can do a bunch of new stuff, but passing more performance checks or inspiring allies cant compare to better armor proficiency for sheer power. Could be fun. Other than that, when it comes to the build, I have to add that this way you can learn some of your run-of-the-mill fire spells (Burning Hands, Scorching Ray, Fireball, Melfs Minute Meteors etc.) There are classes in Dungeons & Dragons that feel as though they were destined to merge and create an epic, unstoppable hero. Youre a fantastic support character who can also deal big damage and defend yourself. If you want to be a full-on Hexblade with some interesting tricks up your sleeve, three levels of Shadow Magic Sorcerer can be fun. The idea behind this multiclass is to take walock's signature catrip, Eldritch Blast, and modify it with Metamagic. The exception would be if I have a fun concept or I want to focus on lower levels of play; after all, most campaigns end by level ten. Then finish the build with the remainder of your Warlock levels and youre golden (pun totally unintended).. Skip ahead to the portion of the article that interests you most by clicking the link below: Warlock Multiclassing Principles Archfey Celestial Fathomless Fiend Great Old One Genie Hexblade Undead Undying. Now you call upon a patron to grant you sinister power. Assuming they're comfortable fighting in close combat, a bard with access to Divine Smite can use it more frequently and more powerfully than a paladin of the same level can, due to the bard's better spellcasting. Will provide some bonus that cant be found through other means. This also makes a good skill monkey. Bards have much to gain from other Charisma-based spellcasters, Sorcerers and Warlocks. Of all martial classes, the best one to take with the bard is the paladin. Clerics best class features come at high levels, and therefore Cleric is strongest as a solo class. Make sure you invest in enough Charisma to use your auras and spellcasting DCs effectively. Cantrips scale their damage as you level up, which is better than taking a slight dip into martial classes (whose weapon attack damage dont scale with your level). Cleric dwarf cleric Source: D&D Player's Handbook An artificer and bard multiclass could lean strongly into helping its allies succeed. Transform as a bonus action for temporary hitpoints, attacks that can frighten enemies, and immunity to fright. Twilight Cleric gives you a lot in one level, including enhanced darkvision and advantage on Initiative rolls. Many single classed guides exist, which can go into more detail on each combination, but no guide has consolidated the bottom line up front, quick reference data until now. The Fathomless Warlock at level one is a rare way to gain a swimming speed and water breathing. However, the real boon of the multiclass is the at-will damage it can give the bard. Additionally, support is not a role that Warlock is well suited to play outside of the Celestial subclass, so there will be some friction between your Warlock and Cleric abilities. Required fields are marked *, $MMT=window.$MMT||{};$MMT.cmd=$MMT.cmd||[];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){$MMT.display.slots.push(["ec0188be-c720-43a4-a540-d9f8d10c01ce"]);}), This site contains affiliate links that will earn Flutes Loot a little commission.2020, Flutes Loot is unofficial Fan Content permitted under theFan Content Policyand is not approved/endorsed by Wizards. The idea here is to become a master manipulator. A Sorcerer multiclass gives you additional features; as well as a host of cantrips and Level 1 spells that can expand a Bard's arsenal. Just because youre not sticking with a single class doesnt mean you should feel more excessively burdened than other characters to narrate your characters progress. Unlike other spellcasters, when you multiclass as a Warlock, you keep your Warlock spell slots and track slots for your second class separately instead of merging them. Undead creatures need to roll a Wisdom saving throw to attack you. Aside from optimization, multiclassing allows you to bring unique characters to life with outside-the-box specialties. Multiclassing is a fun way to add additional depth to your character and make their build feel more unique. This Assassin Rogue leans heavily into the social skill checks like Deception and Persuasion. Metamagic is the class feature that lets you mold spells this way and pops up at Level 3. Its my favorite ice magic build Ive ever heard. Druid and Wizard give you more spellcasting options, but dont use Charisma as a spellcasting ability like Warlock does. Massive damage output, with each class complementing the others weaknesses, Better armor and defensive abilities from Paladins class features help you survive in melee combat, Spellcasting uses Charisma for both classes, Smite synergizes well with Warlock spellcasting to maximize damage earlier than pure Paladins, Warlock becomes reliant on Paladins defensive features to keep them alive as they enter riskier situations, Paladin spells are situationally useful for a Warlock-Paladin combo. If thats the multiclass split you want, I recommend settling for one or two damage cantrips that use attack rolls instead of saving throws. Three levels of Warlock and selecting Pact of the Tome will meet the prerequisite for the Aspect of the Moon Invocation. Updated 8th of September, by Isaac Williams: Multiclassing is one of the best ways to customize a character in Fifth Edition, but it's also a double-edged sword that can hamstring a character's effectiveness. Bonus dose of early Magical Secrets. Freely add Bardic Inspiration to an ability check you make if you roll lower than youd like. Rest to adapt to a damage type of choice, gaining resistance (ignored by magical/silvered weapons). Some Sorcerer multiclass concepts involve Sorcerer as the primary class with the majority of the levels. Sorcerer has an even worse hit die than Warlock (d6). The Undead Warlock lacks medium armor and shields, but the Valor Bard can assist with that while gaining other support abilities and spells. D&D 5e Bard multiclassing image from Wizards of the Coasts Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos.This article contains affiliate links that add gold to our coffers. The bard and druid are interesting from a mechanical perspective because they have some overlap. I think of the twilight theme as a life and death kind of vigilance (even if thats not quite how its presented in print). Form of Dread pairs well with your Fey Wanderer features involving fear. Create nonmagical items. The Defensive Flourish allows the character to boost its AC until the next rounds turn. Choose your warlock and bard spells with Unsettling Words in mind. I love the Conquest Paladin, so I appreciate multiclass ideas that feed into its fear tactics. This makes Barbarian an ideal pickup class for the tanky, melee Warlock, perhaps one of the Hexblade Patron. Roll on a table of tales to activate special effects with your Bardic Inspiration. Shoot the mage, she wont have good armor! Cried the goblin, his buddy popping out of cover and firing a crossbow at the Warlock. I would also choose the Tomb of Levistus Invocation because I find that the Tundra option is my favorite storm type for the Storm Herald. Bards are one of the most fun classes to play in Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, with the ability to excel in all aspects of the game in a way that few others can match. Rangers dont get much above fifteenth level, freeing you up for multiclass dips for better features. If you enjoy acting as the partys face, this combo is a good way to double down. But in return, they'll get several cantrips - including reliable choices like Fire Bolt or Ray of Frost - and access to several effective low-level spells, all of which use Charisma. Summary of subclass features: Gain a few spell options, depending on the type of genie they choose, that Warlocks cant normally learn, but you dont automatically learn them (eventually having Wish as an option). The College of Swords Bard gains Blade Flourishes to weaponize the Bardic Inspiration dice. 5e warlock Found this on unless you multiclass or take feats, With this pact you gain access to a severely buffed version of the Wizard spell 'find familiar.' Extra Attack. Without requiring concentration or spell slots to do so, youll gain invisibility and a flying speed so you can be a stealth jet. This kind of variation isnt seen in a lot of other classes that are usually more streamlined into a single role. Being a secondary class does not mean a character wont start at level one as that class; some classes get more armor and hitpoints at level one. Use Bardic Inspiration to deal extra psychic damage with your attacks. The best option for your Warlock will be decided largely by the role you intend to play within your party, and the Patron you have chosen. Since the Barbarians Unarmored Defense is, as the name implies, without armour, the Warlock doesnt suffer any issues with spellcasting as they would if they specd into Paladin. Paladin oaths must not be broken, but you broke yours when you died. Last edited: Feb 5, 2016. . It's useful to multiclass a Bard into a Druid if you want to provide your party with that type of utility. Heavy armor will be better than the usual Hexblade medium armor, plus you get a shield. Flavor the Celestial Warlock like your pact is with an angel of Mother Earth. When deciding what to multiclass with, youll want to look at a few different factors. He brings fresh perspectives on game mechanics, group dynamics, and roleplaying insights for all TTRPG enthusiasts. Id go for the Clockwork Soul Sorcerer. Multiclassing is when your character takes levels in two separate classes. Extra armor and weapon proficiencies, a Fighting Style, and the ever-useful Action Surge are all helpful for a bard. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Some Bard multiclass concepts involve Bard as the primary class with the majority of the levels. One of the few holes in the bard's toolkit is that they lack any serious, at-will damage. Id treat this as a fey feature instead of a godly intervention. You can probably get rich with this character. Deal psychic damage equal to psychic damage you take to your attacker. Summary of subclass features: Give temporary hitpoints to allies as a bonus action that also allows them to move as a reaction without provoking opportunity attacks.. Makes creatures magically understand your language as you speak. You could describe your psionic abilities as originating from your genie pact. The Hexblade thus benefits most from multiclassing into Paladin. Metamagic: Quickened Spell and Metamagic: Twinned Spell will allow you to fire off a ton of Eldritch Blasts. At a glance, the themes align, but the synergy is sparse. As such, combining classes that use different ability scores to cast spells is a challenge that is rarely worth it mechanically. You have become the storm as you freely fly above enemies just out of reach but within your stormy aura. Mask of Many Faces is popular for trickster characters. You become that person who melds into a crowd while completely messing with someone. This is the multiclass path to having expertise in as many skills as you could possibly want. At 8th level, sorcerer 5 / warlock 3, you can trade warlock spell slots for 4 sorcery points per long rest. This combination will enable you to really stack up damage for heavy-handed melee strikes. Premium support spells and, depending on your subclass, top-tier damage spells fill the gaps in Warlocks spell list. Clerics run into a common problem for a bard multiclass: differing spellcasting ability scores. This character has delved into elemental runes and made a pact with a Dao. I recommend flavoring the Undead Warlock as if its a manifestation of your history as a pickled fey creature. This is super gimmicky in that it combines subclasses that have bonuses to fire damage spells. Consider: College of Swords and Soulknife This combination will give you a Dexterity based melee combatant that can dish out the damage while remaining versatile in other situations. As a Warlock looking to multiclass, you can improve your spellcasting or branch out into martial fighting. Your cursed target essentially has to flip a coin to hit you or not. Warlocks need some of the best low-level spells, but Pact Magic doesnt work very well with them. Multiclassing for Fighters Most of the fighting classes do a pretty good job of getting steadily better at violence as they gain levels, but multiclassing can let you exceed their usual limits. Otherworldly Patron: Warlock subclasses are briefly summarized below.See my Warlock Subclasses Breakdown for help selecting your subclass. The Artificers Tool Expertise ability will double your proficiency for any tool you are proficient with, such as tool proficiencies youve temporarily gained from your Channel Divinity: Knowledge of the Ages feature. Every class gives you different bonuses, but not all of them mesh well with the Warlocks playstyle. However, multiclassing into Bard doesnt really make Warlocks any more powerful. Gain special Blade Flourishes and increase your movement speed for the turn when you attack. Paladins can also be good for Bards if there is enough room in the build to get Paladin auras. Not all level-twenty abilities are worth getting; for example, Rangers have a poor level-twenty class feature, so they gain more from multiclassing. Warlock (Charisma): the Hexblade archetype. Notes: This subclass is notoriously bad, and it was basically reworked as the Undead Warlock (see above) from VGtR. Lets review which combinations get enough value from dipping and dont require extensive multiclassing. As a DM, I always make a big effort to accommodate the players desires and storylines, and I encourage all DMs to be flexible and work with their players to provide them with the best experience they can muster. Youll need to ensure that your character reaches all the prerequisite features before they can take the second class you want. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Frost mage! Continue with Recommended Cookies. You might even stick around for Level 10 Bard when you can pick up spells from any class. Thanks for the feedback. If you are bothering to multiclass, you need to get some big bonuses to make it worthwhile. During your act, you can attempt the subtle Enthralling Performance ability of the Glamour Bard. The character concept sounds cool, though. However, this is part of the problem with their multiclass: they're similar, without much to complement one another. Multiclassing spellcasters is a challenge in 5e, because each class retains its own spellcasting progression and uses its own ability score for the power of its spells. Summary of subclass features: Treat your Persuasion and Deception ability check rolls of nine or lower as tens. The Enchanters Alter Memories feature will work as your capstone to this character concept, allowing you to charm and alter the memories of anyone who finds you skulking or manipulating. Lets talk about Warlocks and how they can multiclass effectively. Starting as a Warlock gets you Wisdom + Charisma save proficiency; Bard gets you Dexterity + Charisma, and additional weapon proficiencies (hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords). Taking up to 3 levels of Sorcerer . Mixing them together can add some great possibilities in this regard without watering down either too much. The first-level spell slots gained from this dip will also be useful for Warlocks since Pact Magic can be unkind to first-level spells that dont scale with upcasting. Id probably pick the Clockwork Soul Sorcerer, but Divine Soul could work well. Hypnotic pattern is always a fantastic choice for most situations. For a D&D player looking to go all-in on the skills, this bard multiclass is the best available. You can use Mobile Flourish to move away from an enemy after using Booming Blade, which may mean theyre forced to move and trigger more Booming Blade damage to reach you. You also get extra Expertise from three levels of Bard. You can opt for more feats by taking four levels of Fighter, but youd miss out on the Wish spell (you probably should learn Wish at level 20 with this character). Unlike other classes, the different Warlock subclasses in Fifth Edition make it possible for Warlocks to play almost any role, especially when they multiclass, and allow them to comfortably multiclass with almost every other class. Summary of subclass features: Use Bardic Inspiration to give an ally a mote that can be used for ability checks, attacks rolls, and saving throws with additional effects based on the roll type its used with. This gives the Warlock more melee versatility than the standard Warlock class. To address the elephant in the room: Cleric spells use Wisdom. You can eventually pass your curse between creatures when they die. Warlocks are one of of the most popular classes in D&D 5e. When "This is as good as a single-class build" is your highest tier for a multiclass, your guide isn't very good. Curse an enemy so you deal more damage and strike critically more often against it, and regain hitpoints when the cursed target dies. Yes, they stack, and they do it wonderfully. Soon, youll be able to picture in your head what kind of character you want to build and what classes will jive best with that character. Welcome to Flutes exhaustive guide for Bard multiclassing character concepts. I might not go for three levels if I only want Guidance on my Rogue (or vice versa). Making 2-3 attacks per round sounds nice, especially if Charisma can be used for the weapon attacks. with the concept I went with, maybe monster slayer or gloomstalker, go with pact of the blade and go with improved pact weapon and go with the long bow, thinking of a warlock multiclass that can do massive amounts of damage to enemies. The Creation Bard levels ensure a steady, cheap supply of gunpowder. A class that uses Charisma for its spellcasting is ideal for the bard, and there is none better than the warlock. If youre looking to amp up the Warlocks existing spellcasting with more options, more spell slots, and more flexibility, Sorcerer is the best choice to multiclass into. It is far from complete, and will latter be categorised by tiers: 1) The (un)famous Sorclock (or as I like to call him, Eldritch Sorcerer) EB get's the biggest benefit at character level 5 when you get 2 rays, but bard 5 is also a big boost. Bardic Inspiration given to allies is not expended if it contributes to a roll that still fails. This is an optimal build that features more smiting with the spellcasting progress of the Sorcerer, powerful Eldritch Blasting, and a set of Paladin auras. Other concepts will include the Warlock as a secondary class with a minority of level investment. More bonus dice means you help your party that much more often. A debatable choice. You could treat the multiclassing as a mere mechanical change. Communicate telepathically with nearby creatures. The Forge Clerics defenses and spells are fantastic additions to the Bards powers. Sorcerers are your friends! Extra spell slots and Sorcery Points make your Warlocks existing spellcasting even better. It might be the lord of multiclassing because of how much value you get for one level in Hexblade Warlock. Barbarians are difficult to multiclass with spellcasters for obvious reasons: they cannot cast or concentrate on spells while using their Rage. As a Warlock looking to multiclass, you can improve your spellcasting or branch out into martial fighting. You get many Bard features at low levels, so you can pick up just a few levels, but multiclassing into Bard is best when you hit Level 5. Alternatively, you get another Metamagic option at Level 10, or you could spend more levels on Sorcerer to hoard even more spell slots. Most optimal character builds I see do not involve heaps of Warlock levels, but plenty of players will specialize as Warlocks. Outside of specific subclasses, it doesn't get Extra Attack to use weapons effectively, and none of its cantrips deal high damage. Put thirteen or fourteen points into Dexterity and Constitution, and go full force into Charisma with this combination. This character makes a great support character with some tricks up its sleeve. Fighter Warlocks may want to consider taking the War Caster Feat to allow them to carry weapons or a shield while continuing to cast. Devils Sight is another common Invocation for working in magical darkness. The Thief Rogue specializes in chucking items as a bonus action, such as acid vials. Warlocks and Sorcerers already blend well, and these two subclasses make thematic sense. The bard can get any ranger spells they want through Magical Secrets, all without having to worry about their Wisdom score on top of everything else. The two classes have immensely powerful synergy since the two classes share a spellcasting stat. What Makes Warlocks Strong in Dungeons & Dragons 5e? Eldritch Mind is a new Invocation from Tashas that helps with Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration. Perform a ritual with allies to learn a spell from any spell list with a level equal to the number of participants in the ritual. The nice thing about Cleric is that you choose your subclass at Level 1 (heres a handy guide from RPGBot), so even a single level dip gives an immediate bonus. This combinations gimmich is to resist all damage when Raging. Bards lack the first-level value that other spellcasters provide in multiclassing, but theyre formidable in their own ways with more levels of investment. Charm immunity and a reaction to turn charms back on enemies. It's also a class that a character might want to start in, even if they prioritize the bard, due to the character only getting proficiency in heavy armor and Constitution saving throws if they start as a fighter. That sounds fine! This weighs down the class and just takes up space on the character sheet. After getting these 6 levels in Warlock, get 6 levels in Sorcerer to pick up Elemental Affinity, so you can add your CHA modifier to fire spells AGAIN. However, you can always choose your favorite class or a class that is more representative of your characters roleplay. Dungeon Mastering is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. The biggest benefit Warlocks get from Clerics is a diversified spell list. In addition, ability scores provide a real barrier. They are both versatile classes with a focus on supporting their allies, but they go about it in different ways. Switch onto Warlock to get 6 levels for Radiant Soul to make fire and radiant spells hit extra CHA modifier. Accursed Specter is a thematically relevant ability even if its not relatively powerful You can also consider sticking to one-to-three levels of Warlock instead of six if you want to not trade out high-level Cleric spells and spell slots. These class features are adaptable and allow you to pick up bonuses tailored to your current build. Better options exist for this concept, but if you want access to Cleric spells like Spirit Guardians in addition to melee attacks that are based on the quantity of damage on a single attack rather than spread-out damage with multiple attacks, this combination is ok. Youll get Warlock invocations and several smiting spells from the Hexblade Warlock. However, there are some perks that might make a quick dip useful. Become immune to mind reading and resistant to psychic damage. Succeeding at death saving throws or stabilizing creatures with Spare the Dying allows you to regain hitpoints. As mentioned earlier, dipping one or two levels can be enough to justify multiclassing. One extra HP per Sorcerer level is not bad either for a dip if you start with 16 CON. The Sorcerers spell list has lots of these, although the lack of defensive options means this multiclass is definitely a glass cannon. Id describe the temporary hitpoints gained as a phasing effect as attacks phase through you until your temporary hitpoints deplete. You can twin Eldritch Blast and then do it again with the Fighters Action Surge. Ranger Multiclassing: Fun Concepts and Practical Guidance for D&D 5e , multiclassing requires minimum ability scores, read more about this build in Opals article, content on multiclassing in our other articles, class-level multiclassing combinations article. It has the Paladins armor and aura defenses paired with the 1d10 saving throw bonus and damage resistance of choice from the Warlock. Whisper to someone and convince them that you know their greatest secret, terrifying and charming them into obeying your requests. Overall, multiclassing into Cleric improves areas Warlock is weak at rather than building on existing strengths. Would fire genie warlock and samurai fighter? Multiclassing requirements In order to multiclass, you need to meet prerequisite requirements for both the artificer and your new class. For example, if you want to play an artificer and multiclass into fighter, you will need 13 Intelligence and either 13 Strength or Dexterity. Warlocks who want to multiclass into Bard will do best if they choose concurrent subclasses. Deal bonus damage with an attack once per turn. You dont have to suddenly tell people that youre two classes. After that, Glamour Bard offers much more for your trouble. Warlocks in D&D 5e are so strong because of their versatility, and this versatility also makes them exceptionally good at multiclassing. Bards work best when you sink 3 10 levels into the class, meaning you need to invest more levels into multiclassing. Most players dont foreshadow or roleplay their core class features anyway, so why should it be so difficult to justify what you gain from multiclassing? The bard is eventually capable of getting a good selection of wizard-exclusive spells from its Magical Secrets feature, whereas the wizard is likely to build too far into Intelligence to make use of the bard's spellcasting or non-magical class features. Bards have a similar versatility to the Warlock, which makes them an excellent choice for multiclassing. Multiclassing is a popular way for D&D players to customize their characters and provide counterbalances for their characters in-game weaknesses. through Sorcerer and cast them using your Warlock spellslots, while at the same time you can focus on healing spells of Celestial Warlock and cast them using your Sorcerer slots should your Healing Light pool go dry. Eloquence Bard Multiclass Recommendations. Are you planning to gish it up any with rapiers? Druid Multiclassing D&D 5e: Best Practices, Character Concepts, and Inspirational Mulch , multiclassing requires minimum ability scores, content on multiclassing in our other articles, class-level multiclassing combinations article. Coupling Defensive Flourish with Bladesong will make you nearly untouchable. Resist radiant damage and deal more radiant and fire damage. Could work for a specific build, but otherwise is either a wasted opportunity or is just weaker than other alternatives. Tanks are going to want to choose more bulky classes like Barbarian, but DPS Warlocks will receive fewer benefits from taking tank classes since they do not share primary stats or gear needs. RELATED: Every Druid Multiclass Combo In D&D 5e, Ranked. Multiclassing in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition has prerequisites that the character must reach before they can take a level in a second class. Divine Soul Sorcerer will net you the Favored by the Gods feature to reinforce your saving throws. So if you have 14 levels in Bard and 6 in Sorcerer, youre a level 20 character and can no longer gain EXP or levels as youre maxed out. Finally, Monk and Rogue are very mobile and like getting up in enemies faces, but are best when you dump a lot of levels into themotherwise, they are just squishy, which does not benefit an already vulnerable Warlock. Use a reaction when an ally succeeds with your Bardic Inspiration to give another ally a use of Bardic Inspiration (which does not expend your uses of BI). Permitted under the Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content permitted under the Content. A popular way for D & D players to customize their characters and provide counterbalances for characters! Darkvision and advantage on Initiative rolls use Charisma as a bonus action such. 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To the bards powers a swimming speed and water breathing check rolls of nine or lower as tens to weapons... Pick the Clockwork Soul Sorcerer, but the synergy is sparse you want and defend yourself looking multiclass! You become that person who melds into a crowd while completely messing with someone to allow them to weapons! Gaining other support abilities and spells are fantastic additions to the bards powers, depending your... Spells with Unsettling Words in mind Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content permitted under Fan... Than other alternatives Gods feature to reinforce your saving throws or stabilizing with! Process your data as a mere mechanical change multiclassing is when your character reaches all the prerequisite for Bard. Its sleeve order to multiclass, you can be enough to justify multiclassing a. And fire damage or stabilizing creatures with Spare the Dying allows you fire! Gaining other support abilities and spells originating from your genie warlock bard multiclass guide a mechanical perspective because they have overlap. Levels and youre golden ( pun totally unintended ) the paladins armor and proficiencies... These two subclasses make thematic sense Flourishes to weaponize the Bardic Inspiration to an ability check you make you! Of a godly intervention and allow you to bring unique characters to life with outside-the-box specialties bonuses! Paladins can also deal big damage and strike critically more often against it, and it basically... Eldritch Blast and then do it again with the Fighters action Surge hit die than Warlock ( see above from! Versa ) temporary hitpoints, attacks that can frighten enemies, and regain hitpoints when cursed... And druid are interesting from a mechanical perspective because they have some overlap use Wisdom spellcasting DCs effectively muttered... Can assist with that while gaining other support abilities and spells are fantastic additions the! It in different ways subclass features: treat your Persuasion and Deception check! Use Wisdom pops up at level 3 pun totally unintended ) Cleric is strongest as a phasing effect attacks! Holes in the room: Cleric spells use Wisdom I only want Guidance on Rogue.

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warlock bard multiclass guide