otho interesting facts

[48] It is he who figures in Gustave Flaubert's novella Hrodias (1877) and in Hrodiade, the 1881 opera based on it by Jules Massenet. [2], Otho proved to be capable as governor of Lusitania, yet he never forgave Nero for marrying Poppaea. [31] These two mints closed at the beginning of Summer; by now, the mint of Rome had taken over. [4] To reward his victorious legionaries, Vitellius expanded the existing Praetorian Guard and installed his own men from his Rhine army.[15]. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The terms of abdication had actually been agreed upon with Marcus Antonius Primus, the commander of the sixth legion serving in Pannonia and one of Vespasian's chief supporters. Their heads were placed on poles and Otho was proclaimed emperor.[7]. The first professional actress to appear on an English stage was a woman who played the role of Desdemona. [30] He first used the Spanish mint of Tarraco (now Tarragona) from January 69, then the mint of Lugdunum (now Lyon, France) a bit later. He remained under heavy protection at Brixellum while his forces marched in the direction of Cremona. Burton did this in accordance with the old rhyme about wedding dress colors, Married in red, better off you get the idea. Galba officially became the emperor and sat on the throne on the very first day of the year 69 AD. The forced wedding between Beetlejuice and Lydia had her transformed into a red wedding dress. Some astrologers responded to his decree by anonymously publishing a decree of their own: "Decreed by all astrologers in blessing on our State Vitellius will be no more on the appointed date." Vitellius was the first to add the honorific cognomen Germanicus to his name instead of Caesar upon his accession. Hear from real doctors who treat orthopedic conditions and perform surgery. Vitellius was proclaimed emperor following the quick succession of the previous emperors Galba and Otho, in a year of civil war known as the Year of the Four . He doesnt appear until twenty-five minutes intomovie and is in only 17.5 minutes of the entirety of the film. In general, risk factors may include: Being overweight or obese, which puts extra pressure on bones, joints, and joint structures, Having a chronic disease, such as diabetes, Playing sports or participating in recreational activities, Using improper lifting techniques and body mechanics, Working in a profession involving the same tasks every day, which increases strain on your body. Sarah Lewis is a pharmacist and a medical writer with over 25 years of experience in various areas of pharmacy practice. But the railing is back a few beats later while Betelgeuse is scaring the pants off everyone. 10 Things to Know About Psoriatic Arthritis. Whether we're describing jealousy as 'the green-eyed monster', talking of sexual intercourse as 'the beast with two backs', or wearing our heart on our sleeve, we're quoting Shakespeare's Othello when we do so. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Acute or chronic trauma is a common cause for many of them. I love Othello. Its as if the Bard knew that the motives we often demand of the characters especially the nasty ones in plays and novels is too simplistic and fails to capture the complexity of human character. How is chlamydia similar to gonorrhea? Tendinitis. He exiled Otho to the province of Lusitania[3] in 58 or 59 by appointing him to be its governor. In his role as governor of Lusitania he had net even had control of a legion. It is a form of overuse injury from repetitive motions or forces. Although, seeing how Otho having taken power, and knowing him a former friend of Neros, the senators regarded the new emperor with deep suspicion. This didnt faze Burton at all as he began shooting what he could. Otho was a member of the Etruscan family of Roman consuls that was active during the rule of Roman emperor Augustus Caesar. But this is just the beginning of so many cool tidbits surrounding all the things you may have never noticed in Beetlejuice because you were too young. On the following day, the soldiers of Lower Germany also refused to swear their loyalty and proclaimed the governor of the province, Aulus Vitellius, as emperor. The slapstick way in which the football players stumble around, seemingly confused and "over their heads" about the prospect of suddenly finding themselves among the dead is classic Burton humor. And in later chapters of Henry Venmore-Rowland's novel The Last Caesar (2012) he figures as the newly appointed Governor of Lower Germania and something of a glutton. Emperor Nero married Poppaea Sabina and exiled Otho to the Roman province of Lusitania as its governor. Text Size. The symptoms of orthopedic issues will vary depending on the specific condition and body part. So impressed were the soldiers by Othos final act of courage that some even threw themselves on the funeral pyre die with their emperor. Otho initially supported Galba and his revolt against Nero, but turned against him in 69 CE after he was passed over as successor. Vitellius' commanders now resolved to bring on a decisive battle, the Battle of Bedriacum, and their designs were assisted by the divided and irresolute counsels which prevailed in Otho's camp. But in a much subtler way. Omissions? This encouraged the soldiers of the Germania Inferior to follow the same path and demand that a new emperor be chosen. Blackpink released its debut album of singles back in 2016! Beetlejuice is mad at the Maitlands, taking his anger out on Adams model of the town. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Before they entered the city, Galba's army fought against a legion that Nero had organized. Aulus Vitellius (/vtlis/; Latin:[auls wtlijs]; 24 September 15 20 December 69) was Roman emperor for eight months, from 19 April to 20 December AD 69. https://ancientromelive.org/galba/. A cockroach can live several weeks with its head cut off. Initially, the snake looked nothing like Keaton. Tenosynovitis. Copyright 2023 Healthgrades Marketplace, LLC, Patent US Nos. Arthritis, which is joint inflammation causing pain, joint damage, and loss of joint function. A capable person in governance, Otho lived a lavish lifestyle considered extravagant even among the Romans who were known for their love for luxuries. Taracco produced much more coins than Lugdunum, which might have not even struck bronze coinage. Leading cause of congenital conjunctivitis. US Office: 2614 Tamiami Trail N, #703, Naples, Florida 34103, Italian Office: Via Francesco Crispi, 90 00187 Roma, Do you consent to receive email updates from us? The orthodontist can see how the smile is starting to take shape and begin interceptive treatment at the right time to have the most impact. It's the soulfulness of the dog. The Grimani portrait bust also served as the model for one by Giovanni Battista and Nicola Bonanome (ca.1565), one of a series of The Twelve Caesars that were once fashionable in large households. Othos forces could stop General Aulus Caecina Alienus in Placentia, but that was all they could do. Making the NHL is a very rare feat, . Holding something always requires hands. There he appears bound and surrounded by a gesticulating mob with hooting ragamuffins at their head. Upon being introduced to the Deetzs in Beetlejuice, its natural to assume that they make an awful couple. Tacitus describes them both in his Histories: Vitellius also banned astrologers from Rome and Italy on 1 October 69. Charles shoes change too, having red tops when first caught by Beetlejuice and being fully black a moment later. Yes, The American Institute for Roman Culture | All Rights Reserved | Privacy & Legal Information | Cookie Policy| The American Institute for Roman Culture is a certified 501(C)3 US non-profit organization registered in the United States, EIN 22-3885181. Leaving a strong detachment to hold the camp at Bedriacum, the Othonian forces advanced along the Via Postumia in the direction of Cremona. Theres a red and a green skeleton (identical to the ones seen in Tim Burton's later movie, Mars Attacks! But the making of the film had more than a few missteps. This includes the receptionist (which she declares as a joke while getting laughs from the others in the waiting room). Emperor Tiberius: 20 Facts about Ancient Rome's Unpopular Leader One of Rome's least popular, Emperor Tiberius was forced into leadership, but spent much of his time living remotely on the island of Capri. The film was such a success in the late 80s that Warner Bros. created a toy line. Otho tried to lure Vitellius with an offer to share the power to rule several provinces, but failed to stop a raging war. Beetlejuice featured a lot of hidden easter eggs, as well as some humor that went over our heads when it first came out. When Barbara is the one to leave the house mid-film, she lands a good punch on the Sandworm before retreating to the door. He put off his pleasures, concealed his extravagances, and ordered his whole life befitting the imperial position.. In a series of events, Otho not only turned against his own ally Galba, but he also conspired with the Praetorian Guard in a bid to become the Roman emperor. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. Ask about the potential complications and how you can work with your doctor to prevent or treat them. Galba tried to ensure his authority as emperor was recognized by adopting the nobleman Lucius Calpurnius Piso Licinianus as his successor,[7] an action that gained resentment from Otho. Because of this, we thought it was the perfect time to polish things up, add a couple of interesting facts about the title's production, and revisit this underrated Tim Burton gem. Juvenal, in a passage in the Satire II ridiculing male homosexuality, specifically mentions Otho as being vain and effeminate, looking at himself in the mirror before going into battle, and "plaster[ing] his face with dough" in order to look good. You cannot make a joke without saying a word. His body was thrown into the Tiber according to Suetonius; Cassius Dio's account is that Vitellius was beheaded and his head paraded around Rome, and his wife attended to his burial. Otho was born on 28 April AD 32. It looks just like Jack Skellington, a character Tim had been drawing since 1982, and would eventually become the main character of The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), which Burton co-wrote and produced. Its important to see your doctor on a regular basis if you develop an orthopedic condition. Vitellius ended the practice of centurions selling furloughs and exemptions of duty to their men, a change Tacitus describes as being adopted by 'all good emperors'. Likewise, when Charles discovers Adams model, he acts like a kid who just discovered the magazines behind the counter. While the comment often gets overlooked or can be perceived as out of place, its a callback to the beginning of the film. It may well even be that Othos suicide was committed in order to spare his country from civil war. Though on the Danube those legions were useless to him, they had to march into Italy first. This group is for the benefit of all Otho residents to discuss issues happening in our Town. After meeting with Tim, upon producer David Geffens insistence, and seeing Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (almost forgot about that one didnt you), Keaton was sold. It was here when Beetlejuice states, hell possess himself if he has to. He also later states that possession is fun and a party, while trying to sell the Maitlands on his scam after the first encounter when they say Beetlejuice three times. Marcus Salvius Otho Caesar Augustus, popularly known as Otho, was a Roman emperor who ruled for a brief period in 69 AD. Otho was hence completely taken by surprise to learn that in Germany Vitellius had risen to contest his throne. Advising his friends and family to take what measures they could for their own safety, he retired to his room to sleep, then stabbed himself to death at dawn the next day, 16 April AD 69. Marcus Salvius Otho was born at Ferentium in southern Etruria on 28 April AD 32. Bone Cancer. He had the hair of his body plucked out, and because of the thinness of his locks wore a wig so carefully fashioned and fitted to his head, that no one suspected it. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. While it may seem like a convenient arc with plotholes, Tim Burton dropped clues regarding this incident throughout the entirety of the film. 11 Things Your Orthopedic Specialist Wants You to Know. For those who grew up in the 80s, this running joke throughout Beetlejuice was hilarious, but will likely fly over the heads of audiences today. Osteoporosis. She completed Pharmacy Practice Residency training at the University of Pittsburgh/VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System. But in Othello, Shakespeare puts a number of plausible motives into Iagos mouth, so we cannot be sure whether any of them is actually his true motivation. His ashes were buried inside a monument in Brixellum and a simple tomb was erected. During the wedding, Betelgeuse transports Barbara about 100 yards from where she was standing, putting her just outside the house in Saturn. Spinal disc problems are the main cause of a pinched nerve. Otho erected statues of Emperor Nero to gain the trust of the noblemen and also reinstated the office bearers. Tendons are strong cords of connective tissue that attach muscles to bones. Marcus Salvius Otho was born at Ferentium in southern Etruria on 28 April AD 32. The 80s were a different time concerning censorship and rating, meaning if you were creative and smart enough, one could find plenty of loopholes. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. He accepted, or appeared to accept, the cognomen of Nero conferred upon him by the shouts of the populace, whom his comparative youth and the effeminacy of his appearance reminded of their lost favourite. He was resolved to accept the verdict of the battle that his own impatience had hastened. Burton does an excellent job in keeping the scene completely PG while insinuating classic deviant behavior. One million Earths could fit inside the sun. The History of Guns, Greek Mythology: Stories, Characters, Gods, and Culture, Aztec Mythology: Important Stories and Characters, Greek Gods and Goddesses: Family Tree and Fun Facts, Roman Gods and Goddesses: The Names and Stories of 29 Ancient Roman Gods, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, US History Timeline: The Dates of Americas Journey, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: 16 Oldest Known Cultures From Around The World, Why Are Hot Dogs Called Hot Dogs? The football team in Beetlejuice is a great example. [21], In July 69, Vitellius learned that the armies of the eastern provinces had proclaimed a rival emperor: their commander, Titus Flavius Vespasianus. Galba appointed Titus Vinius as his general and assigned him a lot of powerful roles. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that. He was elected consul in 48, and served as proconsular governor of Africa in either 60 or 61. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order Otho served as emperor for only eight weeks. According to IMDB trivia, the studio originally wanted to call the film "House Ghosts." Musculoskeletal cancer, which is malignancy of any of the tissues or structures of the musculoskeletal system. There are three different ways you can cite this article. Several 19th-century French artists pictured the violent end of Vitellius. 2. Regardless of the mint, this title was progressively shortened to "Germ" on the coins. All your hair is dead. Many scholars state that Othos death brought the civil war to an end. People don't treat you like that. It allows you to precisely label--and confront--subtle emotions. This was based no doubt on the fact hat he had been the first to pledge his support to the emperor. 4. [17] Other writers, namely Tacitus and Cassius Dio, disagree with some of Suetonius' assertions, even though their own accounts are scarcely positive ones. Cassius Dio claims that 50,000 people died in the battle for Rome. Otho is portrayed as scheming but also charming. This increases the risk of fractures. [43] Others paintings show the moment of his execution, of which there are examples by fr:Charles-Gustave Housez,[44] Paul-Jacques-Aim Baudry (1847),[45] Jules-Eugne Lenepveu (1847),[46] and an engraving by Edouard Vimont (1876-1930).[47]. Burton worked these moments in through humor, like when Otho mentions at a dinner party that those who off themselves in this life become civil servants in the afterlife. Beetlejuice was supposed to be a reptilian demon who could transform into human form in order to interact with the Maitlands and the Deetzs. Which is why Lydia gets it and Otho gets the wires crossed when summoning the Maitlands. He is in the background in Kate Quinn's novel Daughters of Rome (2011),[53] and shares a section of Steven Saylor's Empire: The Novel of Imperial Rome (2010).

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