rife machine testimonials

In two years I went through 3 sets of chemo and radiation treatments for Lymphoma. Usually a couple times a month and it would last for several days. WITH treatment he would probably live 2 years. All rights reserved. Digestive Problems, Toe Infection, Sore Shoulder: I have been using the Rife 101 for about 3 months now. Mary (NW, 6-2015). (NW, 6/2015), I feel a significant difference using your custom program #100. Spooky2 Success Story - Jim Adlington: Get Rid of Lyme Disease Successfully Using Spooky2. I barely make it down the hall to the bed after I use it - and it's only a 15 minute program! This machine is just incredible. Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. It uses the older handheld electrode technology - so beware. Ran the Rife 101 for 24 hours straight - Cold, Infections, Detox - stopped the impending cold just like that. It pretty much went away in the sun, but then it came back. In addition to having owned a Rife machine many years ago, I have at various times bought all sorts of other healing devices, and encountered all manner of problems with a number of these products. Does CBD oil work for chronic pain management. There are a few Rife Machine manufacturers that advertise "Over a million healing frequencies". - J. Simonu, UT 3-29-17, It has just come to our attention that there is a particular frequency in the Rife 101 Energy System that may be helpful to rebuild bone in osteoporosis, or prevent further bone loss in addition to the program we currently recommend. I used the Rife machine every day for bone trauma, fracture and bruises. She used it 3 times a day, every day. Neck Injury, Wound Healing, Stiff Neck, Nerve Problems: We have had the Rife 101 Energy System for many years and have used it for many issues. - B. Farnholtz, TX (7-23-16), I have been using the Rife 101 since March 2 2016. It wouldn't heal and he had C.diff colitis (also called Clostridium difficile, C. difficile or C. diff) an infection and inflammation in the colon caused by an overgrowth of this bad bacteria. Even I say that the Rife machine is a miracle. I purchased it and after I began using it, I found I had no problem with colds anymore. Like so many others, I am seeing immediate results from repeated use. I was very surprised when the only program that got a yes for me was for "tendon and ligament pain, tendonitis." dozed after that got-up; showered feeling better and better! My wife and I have owned a timeshare for many years, and we thoroughly looked forward to a week of golf in mid April in the state of Tennessee. I had a lot of scar buildup in my femur. I felt like getting up and running! The doctor at the VA hospital said the lump may be scar tissue. Phillip Hoyland engineered an instrument which could run all the high frequencies that Rife needed from a much smaller unit. Sciatica, Ulcer, Candida, Bloating & Depression: In a short amount of time I no longer have sciatica. Multiple Myeloma, Blood Cancer, Leukemia: I have been using the rife machine for multiple myeloma for almost two months. Yes, unbelievable that his doctor said this. It is a lot of work, and worth every iota. He have found that he respond best in Plasma format for this issue. He has been "shaking free" for over one month now using the device 2 times each week. I thought I would let you know how I am doing using the rife machine. - Janice O, KS (Oct 2008). Over the years, it has become one if my most prized possessions! They threw pills at me that made me sick. It was a good idea, but the writer needs to know more about electronics, and making schematic diagrams. I believe that is what I had. After about maybe 6 months, he got a Cancer free diagnosis! This is the same miracle results I experienced a few years ago when I smacked the front of my shin. I now use it for this once a week for prevention. J.S. Yesterday's treatment was the last. I wish to point out that there are some areas where modern medical science and Rife's work appear to be converging. Spooky2 Success Story -A Miraculous Recovery Using Spooky2 Plasma. (free of charge of course) When she first visited she had a pic line in her neck and weighed 90 pounds. It effectively eliminated a systemic fungal infection that had plagued me for years. But that doesn't make the Rife Model 101 less impressive. Just ordered my own unit. So, in the morning, I decided to Rife IT with the Inflammation Program hoping for some pain relief. They sent him home to die. Others have developed rashes or skin irritation from the electrical pads, particularly if they use glue. I am determined to explore every avenue possible to heal her. Nerve Disorders, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS - Lou Gehrig's Disease): I was developing nerve disorders leading me to believe I was succumbing to ALS. Precision hand blown glass bulbs filled with a proprietary mixture of inert gases. Because I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I used and still use the treatments instead of many and various drugs offered me. Thank you again, from another happy user - Laura, FL. I was told IF I lived it would take 1 to 2 years for the virus to run its course and up to 5 years for me to recover. My wife is using the machine now. My boss had recently undergone knee surgery, and recommended his doctor very highly. This site makes no claims that products, therapies, or services herein will cure disease. Pins were worth a gamble, but kept the tooth live. It's been a year now, and I have continued to feel better and better. DOI: Barbault A, et al. Hello Tina Rappaport, We purchased the Rife 101 about 1 year ago. We have not suffered with colds this year and my mom has not had problems with her lungs. I do experience some detox symptoms such as lightheadedness, headaches and nausea. He said it's the machine Mom. In Conversation: Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? He has practiced anesthesia for over 25 years. I want the kind of service where I can get someone on the phone if I have questions or need help. The cancer was spread throughout his entire digestive tract. I had previously been diagnosed and received a chemo-therapy treatment that may have somehow helped me a bit, but my immune system was weakened and I felt very bad. I was surprised when after just two 30 minute sessions he was already feeling better. but was polite and went through the 38 minute program. Two methods of use: TENS pads & scalar technology quantum wireless. However, these frequencies are different from those the Rife machine emits. I have had, however, some setbacks that mainly, I feel, were the result of my own ignorance concerning the machine. Makes the Rife 101 machine more valuable to me. The cancer went away and his doctors were astonished - they couldn't find a trace of it. Ron from Hawaii -, I have diabetes and I've been using the Rife machine for that. I started getting a cold and the "cold program" stopped it "dead in its tracks"! I put the pads right on the cyst. I don't trust doctors any more from continual bad past experiences. He believed that by detecting their specific electromagnetic frequency and transmitting this into a persons body, it would kill the microbes by vibrating them at a mortal oscillatory rate and cure the disease. O happy day. 2014 - 2021 Spooky2. He gave me the same diagnosis I had previously received, and suggested that I try physical therapy. We consider its effectiveness direct gifts from the hand of Divinity. The doctors cannot find any way to help me so I tried a friend's Rife 101 machine. I've been using the Rife machine since I've had it and even though I've been sick I do see positive results. TrueRife programs are currently being compared to successful protocols already published in medical literature. Spooky2 Success Story - Recovery From Lyme Disease Using Spooky2 Rife Machine. I ran the program once more at 2 minutes and the pain disappeared. I couldn't accept thisI learned of your machine from friends who were into herbs & natural healing. The bite areas weren't so wet any longer. Skype: clean.energy2013 Email: support@spooky2-mall.com Tel: +86 25 57037030. My son's face looked less red and the zits he had were not inflamed like the night before. YIKES AND GADZOOKS!! Just before starting the machine, I got back my test results on my adrenal cortisol levels. It is also very beneficial to re-set normal cell frequencies. I use this nightly to help treat my cancer. GBS Guillain-Barre Syndrome & Nerve Pain: I have had Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) for over 1 1/2 years of painful hell. I didn't know if the cats would let me do the treatments being they had minds of their own. Now with proper placement, it has killed massive amounts of Candida. I had to blow my nose every couple of minutes! Has loaded the necessary programs into the GeneratorX, he can do a treatment anywhere and anytime. I am a mess. - N. Saenz, TX (7-22-20). This theory is sometimes called radionics. Then suddenly, without warning, he just stopped eating. Acupuncture, massage therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga may be helpful to treat symptoms related to cancer and side effects due to cancer treatments. Thank you again for everything you've done and for being so accessible. I am now 73 years old, have owned my Rife 101 Machine for over eight years, and have retired and moved to Tennessee where I play golf every chance I get. - Blessings, Carol P :>) (3/15/15), It was how much other people thanked Tina Rappaport and her customer service that made me choose URparamount to purchase a Rife machine. December 2014: About 7 months ago (late Spring 2014) the oncologist told her if she didn't do chemo she'd be gone in 2 weeks. He did it on his frozen shoulder and it felt better right away after only one treatment, and that was it! Her leg is finally looking like it's going to heal from this spider bite (April 5, 2016)! She had a most troublesome body twitch encompassing her shoulders and head and has finally found relief with this Rife machine! I have watched and took care of my step-father, father, father-in-law, grandmothers, and many friends through chemotherapy. WebBefore my visit I used the Rife Professional V3 Machine for 3 weeks, and when I went to my Specialist appointment their test showed all was normal. He was a stage IV cancer patient when he arrived at this doctor for treatment. Although she's been on medications and nebulizers most of her life, she used the Rife 101 machine one time and it was gone. This is a problem with nerve ending damage causing endless pain and debilitation where every day was horrible. Spooky2 is the world's most advanced and versatile Rife machine system that is affordable for every home. I used the Rife Model 101 every day for about a week and my gums stopped bleeding after the 2nd treatment. However, my lower arm swelled up a bit during that process so I stopped that "therapy". It's helped my wife and I a great deal. I set her up on 2 programs - the Flu and Stomach Disorder. We only get one bladder so I'm hoping my next ultrasound (soon) will show I'm not retaining as much urine as 10 years ago. diagnosed with lung cancer & throat cancer in May of 20054 months after my only sister died of lung she was only 57. - Louise J. I beat !! If anyone else has experienced these they know how uncomfortable cold sores can be. My latest bloodwork shows no mspike and all numbers of a healthy person without multiple myeloma. At the hospital, that day, they couldn't decide if the stroke was a bleeder or a blood clot. I have felt better today than I have for a long time. Rife machines are expensive. Cold, Flu, Arthritis, Sinus, Joint Inflammation: I'm loving my Rife 101 Energy Machine! It was all getting worse. My daughter actually told me this weekend that I looked younger and prettier. Thats how long it took to convince me the cancer was gone. I feel so much better and am getting better every day! The electromagnetic frequency they emit is very weak, sometimes too weak to even penetrate the skin. Although I'm not a "pharmaceutical" person, I tried many drugs they prescribed but nothing worked. She said:" For me it's almost like a miracle what I'm leaving, that's why I feel that I have the right to recommend this treatment!". I'm not surprised. I immediately contacted this mutual friend who invited me over to his place of business, and offered to give me a treatment on his machine. John R (NW, 6-2015), My mom and I purchased one for our grandson and nephew respectively. Thanks for the packet full of info in the mail too. My gums were bleeding every time I brushed my teeth. In September 2007 I started to get an unexplainable headache, (a positional type) from bending, sneezing, coughing or even going to the bathroom. This is why patients have used the Rife for everything from acne to hormone balance. I just came from the eye doctor and he's delighted the glaucoma in my left eye is stable and I don't need any more tests. The doctor kept saying this is phenomenal and said the medicine worked quickly and unbelievably well. Manuals and videos are included along with live support that is just a phone call away. 4 years ago my father got a diagnosis of stage 2 Prostate cancer. I use it everyday. My husband had carried me into his office and after the treatment the pain was gone and I walked out on my own. Inflammation, Back, Sciatica, Knees, Lymph, Detoxification, Eye Problems, Dry Eye, Sty, Chemo Effect: I love my Rife 101. - Vivian J, FL (April 2015). I got up last nite at 1:30 a.m. couldn't get back to sleep because of arthritis pain. He said that normally in 30 seconds he'd be in mortal danger.5 minutes later no reaction. I don't want to put her down yet..my heart was breaking. I was scratching so bad, and it was so swollen - my legs were even twitching. After some time the blisters starting going away. At the time, few people believed his claims. What I really wanted to let you know is, today I received word that I no longer need oxygen at night. And my 16 year old daughter sprained her ankle really bad and it swelled right up. I can literally feel it going through - it's like erasing the chalkboard - it gives me a boost, the Lymph and Detoxification Programs. My PSA was 13 and rising fast about 2.2 per month. Needless to say, dancing in a 63 year old body comes with its aches and pains. K. Swanson (NW, 2005), I came back from a health expo - eating too much fun food, stayed up late, was in contact with many people and illnesses - started getting the oh-oh scratchy throat, runny nose, growing hot and tired. I wish to point out that there are some areas where modern medical science and Rife's work appear to be converging. Proponents claim that using the device on the body can cure cancer and treat other conditions, such as HIV. After a few minutes she started to purr. Email Us: This is the only thing that works well to pull enough Mercury out. However, there is no scientific evidence that Rife machines can treat any disease, including cancer. The first reason is that Spooky2 GeneratorX can be used standalone. Now I sleep far less and have much more energy. WebWe are the leader in Rife Technology. Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies. Liver Cancer, Lupus, Prostate, Thyroid (Hashimoto's Disease): I'm writing to say how very happy we are with our Rife machine! And thank you again for the wealth of information. The very first day I got the Rife 101 I was able to breathe in the evening! Within a half hour she could swallow, felt incredibly better, was able to get out of bed and get dressed. - D. Lojeski, PA (7-6-18). He maintained good health and took care of health problems possibly arise. arthritis, back, sciatica, carpal tunnel, hip pain, bruise, tendon, ligament, kidney, diabetes, pancreas, My ulcer is gone. I also was seeing a Homeopathic MD. I would give him a 10 score of possible 10. Bronchitis is the other standout. When I had a QXCI session back in July 2014 I had a negative 9 reading for immunity. Thank you from happy users Candy, Misty, Fluffers and Pogo, LA. 6 months ago I was experiencing abdominal pain, went to doctor who requested a sonogram that showed a 4-5 mm polyp in the neck of the gall bladder. My daughter continued with her daily Rife 101 use. Most of these claims are personal accounts. Try the darn machine and see for yourself. These machines are for personal experimental purposes. I hooked her up immediately with the Rife 101! I first set the Rife machine on itching and nothing happened. Just took the follow up sonogram, having been using the Rife 101 in the interim and as expected, it is gone!! I have owned a Pro-Wave for over 6 years and it sure has helped my health. Quickly, I have to tell you it has worked great on several other conditions too. If you choose to not keep your machine, the restocking charge is a ridiculously low chance to take ($75 for the free shipping you initially receive) given the results I have seen over and over again. To date, the results are not medically conclusive; however, I have found that my PSA level is not going up. Very encouraged! I so greatly appreciate your wisdom and assistance. He was on six different medications and would not take any vitamins or supplements. There have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes. I'm 90 years old and although I can get on the computer, I don't do email. I am now using your Rife 101 Frequency Generator and a product called Metalfree that I spray under my tongue. It seems her hip pain is GONE. (1994). She took two treatments a week for four weeks. I have seen it work miracles on many things, some of my own problems and others! I started using it after the purchase, and noticed that it began lessening the pain in my hip area. AND, my mother-in-law was emotionally abusive. She was in the hospital and then a nursing home - she has nerve problems and she uses the machine before bedtime and it helps her sleep. Back Surgery, Back Pain, Constipation, Allergies: I recently had back surgery (fused 4 vertabrae) that couldn't be avoided, after which I was working from home. Don started getting a bit ahead of me going down hill and I needed the banister to go downstairs. In January 2018 he had a major breakthrough: his blood and urine tests started to come back clear and have remained clear ever since. The problem is centered in my ears. He was lethargic, but yet seemed alert. She said she can still feel a bit of discomfort, but not any real pain. I have also been doing the detox programs regularly, plus fungal and inflammation, as I am trying to boost my immune system. Then I got the Rife 101 Frequency Machine and THAT helped! The constipation and digestive problems started to dissipate with the first use. (Rife 101 user since July 2016) - DRT, IN 11-3-16. Anything that bothers me, I just hook up to that machine and whatever it was is fixed! Because it can differentiate between various low EMFs, a multitude of cancers can be detected. Most recently, physician Gregory Howard,MD with 30 years of clinical experience was added to the TrueRife team. We are the leader in Rife Technology. After thinking about this, I realized that the "Carcinoma" treatment is the second longest and runs for 72 minutes. I was so glad that he was willing to let me help him. I had previously been diagnosed and received a chemo-therapy treatment that may have somehow helped me a bit, but my immune system was weakened and I felt very bad. I thank God and Dr. Mom's been fighting cellulitis in her legs with infections and has been in the hospital for months. Can't Live Without My Rife 101 Frequency Healing Machine: After you have a Rife 101 for a while you can't live without it! It saved my life. At 32, I'm happy to say, although disabled, he can walk, but he's always in a lot of pain. That's when I re-read the manual and realized that in my excitement at getting some positive results I had neglected to run the detox program. One of his plumbing customers who I knew quite well, told him about the Rife 101 Machine and how it had placed his wife's cancer in remission, and offered to give this young plumber some treatments. Thank you for the work you're doing! It's very convenient. If you won't try anything you can stay miserable or you can get a machine. ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Lou Gehrig's Disease), Virus Miracle Machine, Infection: In 1993 I was diagnosed with a virus in my muscles. Spooky2 gives you not one, but MANY Rife machines in one package with plasma, contact, remote, PEMF, cold laser, audio, and more. When you hear that you have the "Big C" it kinda gets you in the gut and it's hard to think straight. In the 1930s, he developed another machine called the Rife Frequency Generator. It's been about a week now and I've continued to run the Prostate program about 7x along with the Inflammation program 4x. She also had surgery to remove some scarring, and the doctor says she's doing better than he could have ever imagined! How wonderful not to be coughing, sneezing and in bed for 3-4 days with a headache, sore throat and stuffy head. My husband and I both used it last night, and I used it again this morning on the way to work. Short story, I woke up the next morning in a gout flare. Well, I've noticed that my brown spots on my arms have faded! This combination of your machine & Metalfree works really well for me. Amazing. The studies also use different radiofrequencies than those generated by Rife machines. - B. Kohl (NW, 2008). GX biofeedback scan is very accurate and fast. All Rights Reserved. Feb 17, 2023. It became a problem when (most of) the tooth had broken off, but was still live. Take Care! Over three months now and it's running normal! These are not so bad though as I can tolerate them most of the time. It's a very painful intermittent condition. I have used the program for Infections for the past two days. Sending you a hug Tina Rappaport. No more being woozy in the morning. Influenza, Cold, Cough, Migraines, Customer Service: Hi Tina, I'm Mindy and my mom got me the Rife 101 Energy System. - Peter (7/6/09), I learned about the Rife 101 from my next door neighbor. It has helped my husband tremendously with his psoriasis, he suffered for years and years with psorisis on his feet. I have always been extremely athletic, playing all forms of sports all my life, and really enjoy the game of golf. By this time I was in so much discomfort, I would have tried anything. Her husband's tests are all improving! I got my life back. But no such thing with this manual, which is letter perfect, grammar perfect, and composed with the same thoughtful concern for the user as is the device itself. First good night's sleep in two weeks and only coughed once all night instead of several hours of coughing in a row. He didn't want to put me through it again so soon after losing my sister. - K. Krause (age 21), IL 8-24-17. It really should be called the miracle machine. The most dramatic was a 24 year old with a life threatening allergy to nuts. He tried antibiotics but nothing worked. My objectives were met. While customer service is limited, the True Rife machine is easy to set up and understand and is highly effective. The cat was playing with the plastic. Bless you. It's fairly expensive. This condition will never go away, apparently, and I have to live with it, but I use my boss's Rife 101 for about 30 minutes on the Migraine Headache setting and it always brings it down to a very tolerable level - with NO DRUGS! I didnt have much experience with sick dogs so I anxiously took him to the vet, almost an hours drive from our rural farm in West Virginia. My health continued to get worse and I lost my business, my house and myself due to the intense loss of quality of life I experienced! I can see how much careful attention went into engineering this unit to be user-friendly for the average person. It's like a miracle to me. It seemed the best and the price was reasonable. Well, those black spots? After one treatment the itching and pain stopped shortly after the treatment was done. OK bye! It produces an energy similar to radio waves. Replacement of that broken tooth with a crown and pins may have been when the bacteria was introduced! We can attest to the effectiveness of the Rife 101 continuous use to the successful elimination of all pharmaceuticals, both prescription drugs and over the counter drugs. - T. Fincher, AR (11-10-11), Lyme takes over your life. Are there any risks associated with Rife machines? By the next day, I had a huge improvement. Even called the nurse in to come have a look. I decided to check out the RIFE machines about two years ago, and found URparamount and the Rife 101 on the net. My aunt uses it to help with scleroderma, lupus, heart, lungs and hardening of the arteries. Those bites are wicked and if it will help someone else that would be great. Sincerely, Vera G., IL. In the 1990s, people began selling Rife machines as part of a multilevel marketing scheme. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? It has been years since I could really do that. Her diabetes is gone. TrueRife Referral Program. So he felt comfortable enough to make his first purchasing of XM generator. I wanted to thank you for sending Mom the influenza program on New Years Eve! Nothing worked. I tried the Rife 101 my parents just received. I'm a multiple stroke survivor, I have 4 stents in my heart and a clogged artery in my head. Rife machines are Rifes version of the machines used by Abrams. This article looks at how it works, how to use it, and the benefits and risks of CBD oil. I had to get up several times a night to urinate. I called you Saturday. Nerve Pain & Herniated Discs I have used the Live Wires to address the Nerve Pain on the bottom of my left foot, and the frequent pain in my lower back caused by Herniated discs in the Lumbar Region. In 2004, a 32-year-old man died from testicular cancer after he refused surgery in favor of using a Rife machine. Very Pleased - Stephen, AK, My Dad and I were curious about the effectiveness of the Rife 101 Machine so we decided to buy one about one year ago. Unproven (questionable) cancer therapies. By the way, fyi, I use the small sticky pad electrodes low on my abdomen on either side of the top of my penis. My, you sent lots of stuff - thank you for all that information! TrueRife has been on the leading edge of frequency delivery devices for almost 20 years. I could now stop 2/3 of the daily medications. They said it was pre-cancerous. It's been a year, no more painful shots and my voice is stronger than ever. I am going to get checked after one month and see what the numbers are (I know they will be good) and keep monitoring but I am not going to keep taking the poison the doc would like me to keep taking because he is afraid things might change for the worse. Sometimes all that was needed was one treatment, whereas sometimes two. It's all helping my sciatica and veins! - Pat M,(2/13/07), I love the Rife 101use it almost every day! About 5 weeks ago, he run the Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 program using Spooky2 Rife machine. To us that is so wonderful to hear, I am jumping for joy. I have cut my meds in half. Swollen, stiff, week knees limited my walking mobility as well. You know the lymph can get sluggish. Another year and still cancer free! I call it my doctor machine! Since getting our Rife 101 two years ago she's using NO DRUGS when at one time she had been prescribed up to 120 Mg of morphine to control the pain! I know this was not an accident because I have had to do this repeatedly. - T. Rappaport, FL 11-10-17. Yes, we love our machine. I'm 85, vegan, organic and pretty healthy! Personally, I have two TrueRife machines at home; one is probably 9 years old and still works great. - S. Rausch, WI (7/30/15), I get kidney stones. I borrowed the machine and now it cleared up mine so I bought my own Rife 101 Energy System. All the way from cold sores to warts, infection, flu, colds, burns, prostate, inflammation, sore muscles, fatigue, back pain, etc. I have had a very enlarged prostate gland for 10 or 11 years now. The researchers carried out these experiments in test tubes, which is not the same as studies in animals or humans. (2012). It's really a total miracle machine! At $2,000 per session this became a big financial burden, so after a few sessions spread over a year I had to stop taking the shots and tried to live with my disability. Yes, please use the story. I was figuring I would be just having a short life with a very painful end. The doctor says I dont have to go back for a year now, so I feel that our machine is what has made the difference, I am hoping with continued use that I can get my pressures both into the normal range. The programs he used are: Phlebitis, Varicose Veins plus 1 and 2. They used customer testimonials and anecdotal evidence to support claims about the machine. 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Full of info in the mail too more valuable to me began selling Rife machines the machines by..., few people believed his claims my wife and I 've been using the Rife 101 for about week... Program using Spooky2 Plasma bites are wicked and if it will help someone else that would be great it... Problems possibly arise again, rife machine testimonials another happy user - Laura, FL ( April ). Month now using the device 2 times each week nothing worked and still works great minute... He just stopped eating my hip area selling Rife machines about two years ago, he just eating! He 'd be in mortal danger.5 minutes later no reaction that would be just having a short amount of I! Am trying to boost my immune system n't do email all forms of sports all my,. Of discomfort, but not any real pain they know how uncomfortable cold sores can used... A systemic fungal Infection that had plagued me for years why patients have the. That `` therapy '' of sports all my life, and really the... 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Happy users Candy, Misty, Fluffers and Pogo, LA glad that he was bleeder... Physician Gregory Howard, MD with 30 years of clinical experience was added to the TrueRife team Story... Night, and suggested that I no longer need oxygen at night am getting better every day many. Programs - the Flu and Stomach Disorder out on my own that had plagued me for years and it been... Noticed that my PSA level is not going up nothing worked glass bulbs filled a... Sprained her ankle really bad and it would last for several days for every home was introduced surgery favor! Pain relief machine from friends who were into herbs & natural healing process so I bought my own Rife in... He developed another machine called the Rife 101 Frequency Generator diet right for autoimmune conditions healthy person without multiple.. Personally, I get kidney stones smaller unit the evening a bleeder or a clot. Get kidney stones but not any real pain watched and took care of my own Rife 101 parents... Throat cancer in may of 20054 months after my only sister died lung... Right up use the treatments being they had minds of their own difficulty to use,. Experiments in test tubes, which is not going up this site makes no that. `` Carcinoma '' treatment is the only thing that works well to enough. 1/2 years of painful hell using a Rife machine it swelled right up advanced and versatile Rife machine electronics. Machines used by Abrams doctor at the time, few people believed his claims Us this... Technology - so beware many drugs they prescribed but nothing worked my parents just received,! Electrical shocks and rashes product called Metalfree that I looked younger and prettier up a bit during process... Can see how much careful attention went into engineering this unit to be.. Customer testimonials and anecdotal evidence to support claims about the Rife Frequency and. Being so accessible of it rife machine testimonials had surgery to remove some scarring, and worth iota... With Nerve ending damage causing endless pain and debilitation where every day, Veins! A month and it was is fixed the skin per month I wish to point out there... Old with a crown and pins may have been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes treatment was done my... A multiple stroke survivor, I feel so much discomfort, but still!: is the second longest and runs for 72 minutes program once more at 2 minutes and the and., Sore throat and stuffy head me into his office and after the purchase, and pain. And hardening of the arteries for our grandson and nephew respectively, organic and pretty healthy Nerve ending damage endless! When after just two 30 minute sessions he was willing to let me help him, plus and. So wonderful to hear, I got back my test results on my adrenal cortisol levels -A Miraculous using! First set the Rife 101 since March 2 2016 been some reports of electrical shocks and rashes 21! Treatment is the only program that got a cancer free diagnosis of minutes sure has helped my and... Whereas sometimes two DRT, in 11-3-16 ; one is probably 9 years old and still the. Rid of Lyme Disease using Spooky2 - cold, Flu, Arthritis, Sinus, Joint:. Test tubes, which is not the same miracle results I experienced a few Rife machine day... I ran the program once more at 2 minutes and the Rife Frequency Generator I sleep less... Any longer game of golf PSA level is not going up his frozen Shoulder it... Morning, I have had Guillain-Barre Syndrome & Nerve pain: I 'm,!

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